Arthur Longworth
Arthur Longworth is a Policy Manager for TeamChild and a Mellon Foundation/Haymarket Books Writing Freedom Fellow. He has authored several publications, including Zek: An American Prison Story and the report “Ending the Foster Care-to Prison Pipeline.”
Arthur is also an organizer and mentor for people raised in Washington’s foster care system. Prior to his work with TeamChild, he was a PEN America Writing for Justice Fellow and a certified trauma-informed restorative justice facilitator.
In 1985, he was convicted of attempted robbery and murder and received a “mandatory” life without parole sentence. During his incarceration, he worked hard to educate himself in the interest of helping others despite entering prison with only a 7th grade education.
In 2022, Arthur was resentenced following the Washington State Supreme Court ruling that LWOP sentences are “unconstitutionally cruel punishment” for individuals under the age of 21. He was released the same year after serving 38 years in prison.
Arthur believes “the only real way to even begin to understand an experience you have not had is to listen and be willing to engage with the community who has had the experience.”